Tuesday, March 16, 2010

still alive and ready for 'spring' break

ugh so i realize that i am horrible at updating this thing. there has just been alot going on in Cape Town. I have really be home in like 3 weekends and school keeps me busy during the week. i have writen 13 tutorial papers, 2 regular papers, 2 presentations and taken 2 tests. and in the past three weekend i have 1) gone hikin in the ceres moutains 2) gone on a weekend safari 3) hiked lions head in cape town and gone to the vinyards.

but i wish i had more time to update but i promise i will when i get time.
i just want to say that im still alive! and post my interary for my spring break trip. i leave friday at 4.40am for 10 days of camping adventure=]

Fri 19
Depart Cape Town for Jo’burg. Drive to Itumela Itumela, Palapye Botswana
• Catch early flight for Johannesburg
• Board overland bus at airport and head for Botswana!
• Arrive at camp in time for late dinner

Sat 20
Palapye - Maun Sitatunga, Maun
• Early wake up and depart camp
• Travel all day and arrive at campsite early evening
• Okavango briefing by camp staff

Sun 21
Maun – Okavango Delta Okavango Delta, Boro Concession
• 06:00 wake up and pack up camp
• Trucks get split up as we travel independently for the next 3 days in the Okavango Delta
• Arrive at makeshift campsite in time for lunch
• Afternoon game walk

Mon 22
In the Delta Okavango Delta
• Full day Okavango Delta

Tue 23
Delta – Planet Baobab Planet Baobab
• Arrive back at Maun campsite @ noon for lunch
• Depart campsite @ 13:30
• Shopping stop along the way for food in Maun
• Arrive at campsite in afternoon

Wed 24
Planet Baobab - Kasane Thebe Camp, Chobe, Kasane
• Early wake up & depart after breakfast
• Arrive at Chobe campsite @ noon
• Sunset cruise @ 3:30pm followed by dinner back @ camp

Thu 25
Kasane, Botswana – Livingstone, Zambia Zambezi Waterfront, Livingstone, Zambia
• Optional early morning game drive in Chobe
• Breakfast at campsite before departing camp
• Arrive at campsite in Zambia for late lunch
• Enjoy viewing Victoria Falls!!!
• Dinner back at campsite

Fri 26 & Sat 27 Livingstone
• 2 Days of optional activities at Victoria Falls
• Activities include: bungee jumping, lion encounters, abseiling, Elephant walks and much more

Sun 28 Livingstone, Zambia – Cape Town, South Africa Home, Cape Town
• Depart Zambia on an regional flight for Johannesburg. Catch connecting flight to Cape Town. Arrive back in Rondebosch @ ±22:00 (Sunday)