Saturday, February 6, 2010

Garden Route

So it’s been a while since I have updated. Much of it has to do with the fact that I went on a road trip where I had no internet access. On Sunday night one of my friends here invited me to join a bunch of them on a road trip on the Garden Route along the Southern coast of Africa. On a whim I said yes not really know many of the people going, but I’m so glad I did because I bond with the 6 other people on the trip and had a very memorable couple of days. A bunch of other students from the program did the garden route last week and had a blast driving and staying at hostiles along the way. So we headed on the road on Monday with really nothing more than some maps and some money and some ideas of things we wanted to do along the way. We drove from Cape Town to Mussel Bay the first day, found the backpacking hostile and stayed there for the night. We went to the beach and found a local pub for dinner. We ended up talking to the locals for a long time and had some beers, played the jukebox, and talked with them about sports, politics and living in the area. They had some much they wanted to tell us. It was kind of a running theme of meeting people and asking them anything about South African sports, politics or history- I learned a lot about apartheid this week.
The next morning we woke up and drove to George and then north away from the water to see an ostrich farm. There we got to take a tour of the farm. They showed us eggs and baby ostriches as well as whole families of ostriches. At the end of the tour I got to ride an ostrich! It was sooo strange but very fun. After that we drove to a Cave and took a tour of cave that was in the mountain. We drove from the cave to Plattenburg bay were we found another great backpackers hostile. The manager there set us up with a bungy jumping appointment the next day. So the next morning we were in the car to the bridge where we were to bungy jump. All 7 of us decided to jump off of the highest bungy jump in the world- 216m! It was amazing! They weighted us, harnessed us, and then walked us out to the bridge where we were to jump. I was kind of scared, as was everyone else, but as the guy who was leading us out said that they have been open for 12 years and nothing has happened wrong yet and if anything did they would have to close down so their equipment and everything is very closely taken care of. With that we all went out and waited to jump. The whole experience was really fun. They played music on the bridge to calm nerves and we could see others jumping on TVs. I was one of the last to go so I got to see everyone else jump. When it came to be my turn I was kind of nervous but very excited. After getting all hooked up they walk you to the edge and count to 5. It all happens so fast that you don’t really have time to think about it. You are on the edge and you hear 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 JUMP and without thinking you are just falling thought the air. It weird because as you free all you just flying without feeling really attached to anything. I felt myself almost swimming in midair. Then as I bounced I just got to look around and enjoy the sights. IT WAS AMAZING! It’s hard to describe what it felt but it was totally worth it and I would definitely do it again. After we jumped we ran into other people in our program who were going to jump too so it was nice to see others excited and scared to jump.

We left the bungy site to drive to the end of the garden route and cross Storms River. Then drove back towards Cape Town. Our last night we stayed in buffalo bay right on the water. We watched the sunset and cooked dinner in the hostile. After dark we all lay out on the beach and watched the stars. Under the moonlight we could see for miles. The next morning we spent on the beach lying in the sun working on our tans and swimming in the much warmer water of the Indian Ocean. It was a great way to end a good adventure.

I had such an amazing “vacation of sorts” it feels weird to start school tomorrow but I am excited to settle down and start my classes.

I posted pictures of my road trip on Facebook. Here is the link for them of you want to check them out.

Ugh the internet would not connect the other day to allow me to post this blog. Its Saturday now. Class started yesterday which was quite exciting. My schedule did turn out exactly like I would have like I have 8am class Tuesday- Friday (for all those that know how much I love mornings this semester night turn out to be a bit of a challenge.) but Tuesday and Thursday I’m done by 11.45 and Monday Wednesday Friday I’m out by 12.45 so it’s not that bad I just have to motivate myself for a couple of house then I can come home eat and nap. I only had 2 classes on Friday. My 8 am which is Poverty, Development and Globalization. Its co taught and both of my professors are really energetic so I really think I will like the class. My second class is my religion class- Religion gender and sexuality which seems like it will also be a good class. Both of my classes I had on Friday had reader packet to pick up which was pretty sweet all the material I will need for the class will be print for me- which is great it looks like won’t need to buy text book for those class hope my other 2 are the same way.

Anyway I just for back from seeing my first rugby game! I was a ton of fun. Today was the first game to take place in the new Green point stadium that they build for the FIFA world cup. It was great to be able to see a game in the stadium and join in with everyone to watch the first game there, especially because I will be back in the states when the world cup starts.

Well tomorrow I am not sure what I am up to- maybe the beach or to a wine tasting. Either way all class start Monday and it starts my first full week of class at UCT =]